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Inter-institutional academic mobility programs in cooperation with Adam Miczkewych University in Poznan (Poland, 2023)
Research Programs and Projects in Education and English Methodology (2022-2025) YOUTH VOICES MATTER – a cross-border 10-month project. Country participants are – Moldova and Ukraine. Duration is October 2022 – July 2023. The participants are teachers of English and their students (1st and/or 2nd year of study) from both Moldova and Ukraine. (Among them Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University (5 teachers and 10 students)). The project was focused on developing media literacy, digital skills, and communicative skills in English. Project Outcomes were to raise young people’s awareness that youth’s voices matter in bringing positive transformations in their communities. This outcome was reached by involving students, who were guided by their teachers, in a number of activities aiming to develop media literacy, and digital and communicative skills. Students had to create newsletters, and photo collages, learn to carry out interviews, design and deliver oral speeches, and create a digital yearbook. The project activities were held monthly, both onsite and online. There were 2 trainings planned for 2 days and 1 training for three days, 5 hours of work per day. Trainings were held at weekends and were given by lecturers from Aleco Russo University (Moldova), identified experts in journalism and media literacy among USA ETAs and Fulbrights. The host university kept track of attendance and communicated with the beneficiaries who received certificates of attendance and participation following every training. In November two-day training “Impact of Social Media on Youth Voices” (online for Ukraine and Transnistrian region) were held. In December the participants had a three-day Hybrid Training “Peers Teaching Peers and in February there was a two-day Hybrid Training “Establishing a Culture of Questioning”. In January the participants had Product evaluation time. The 9th Virtual International Spring Symposium “Quality Teaching for Future” was held in March. In April there was a Hybrid Roundtable Discussion. In May the participants had a Soapbox Contest and in July – Four-day Youth Summer Camp “Youth Uplifting Their Voices in the Era of New Media”. НАШ СПІЛЬНИЙ УКРАЇНО-МОЛДОВО-АМЕРИКАНСЬКИЙ ОСВІТНІЙ ПРОЄКТ У ДІЇ ТРЕНІНГИ У РАМКАХ МІЖНАРОДНОГО ПРОЕКТУ «YOUTH VOICES MATTER» РОЗПОЧАЛИСЯ “Professional Development for Instructors of Preservice Teachers” – professional development program for instructors of foreign language who teach English at pedagogical universities of Ukraine. This initiative is realized under the patronage of the Regional English Language Office, U.S. Embassy, Kyiv. РОБОЧА ЗУСТРІЧ В РАМКАХ ПРОЄКТУ “PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR INSTRUCTORS OF PRESERVICE TEACHERS” PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR INSTRUCTORS OF PRESERVICE TEACHERS З 1 по 31 березня 2023 року доцент кафедри англійської мови та методики її навчання факультету іноземних мов Капелюшна Тетяна проходила наукове стажування у Варшавському університеті на факультеті «Artes Liberales» за сприяння NAWA – Польського національного агентства з питань академічного обміну. Наукове стажування відбувалося під керівництвом професора, доктора хабілітованого Ієроніма Гралі, який надав фундаментальні рекомендації щодо організації та проведення дослідження, яке стосувалось адаптації українських студентів до навчання у польському університеті. Окрім цього, Капелюшна Тетяна отримала практичний досвід роботи із науковими джерелами у двох найбільших наукових бібліотеках Республіки Польщі – бібліотеці Варшавського університету та Національній бібліотеці. За результатами наукового стажування підготовлено дві наукові публікації. The professional development course for English teachers “Teaching English in the New Context. Grades 7–9” was developed to support the New Ukrainian School reform and was successfully piloted by the British Council, Ukraine in March 2023. The course covered four modules: Module 1. Engaging with learning technologies – digital literacies. This module introduces participants to the topic of digital literacy, issues and challenges of teaching learners who have grown up in the digital age. Module 2. Planning and adapting materials. This module looks at how to plan a remote lesson and some of the differences with face-to-face lessons. Module 3. Managing remote learning. This module looks at classroom management. It helps teachers to think about the skills they use when teaching face-to-face in a classroom and how they can transfer those skills to teaching remotely. Module 4 Assessing and motivating learning. This module explores different assessment approaches and their impact on learning as well as different skills teachers need when moving to online teaching. Approximately 3000 participants have successfully completed their studies, and now put their knowledge into practice. Among them the representatives of Palvo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University: associate professors Alla Gembaruk, Olena Bevz, Tetiana Kapeliushna, Anhelina Kolisnichenko and students: Liliya Babych, Olena Kravets, Anastasia Leshchenko and Yulia Musienko. Пілотування програми Британської ради в Україні «Навчання англійської мови у новому контексті. 7–9 класи» URL: https://cutt.ly/rwKrAfPZ Результати пілотування програми Британської ради в Україні “Teaching English in the New Context. Grades 7–9″ та шляхи її впровадження в освітній процес URL: https://cutt.ly/dwKrTwgA Academies4Ukraine – Strengthen Higher Education resilience in Ukraine and European Union. Erasmus+ Program. Participation in the project is the support of the European institutions for the Ukrainian educational community in its resistance to a full-scale war. The project aims to strengthen support for higher education institutions in Ukraine, to help create psychological, social, and cultural support services for integration into the European Union. In particular, the project aims to: The main coordinator of the project is the Italian international company I-Strategies. The partners are the University of Helsinki, Riga Technical University, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, and Odesa National Technological University, Kherson State University. The work will comprise three key areas: 1) creating conditions for students’ adaptation during the war and post-war period; 2) recording and popularizing the experience of the Ukrainian educational community in the confrontation and struggle for independence and peace; 3) strengthening cooperation between Ukraine and the EU through the implementation of joint educational projects.
Our trainers: Dr. Laura Baecher, Professor of TESOL at Hunter College, City University of New York, and Julie Kasper, Program Manager of the Refugee Educator Academy in the CPL at Childhood Education International
Programs and Projects in Education and English Methodology (2015-2020)
Дата останньої зміни: 06.02.2024