Уманського державного педагогічного університету імені Павла Тичини


Переглядів 86
Alecu Russo State University of Bălți (Moldova)
Sumy Makarenko State Pedagogical University (Ukraine)
(Department of English Philology and Linguodidactics)
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University (Ukraine)
(Faculty of Foreign Languages)
Kotsiubynskyi Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University (Ukraine)
(Faculty of Foreign Languages)

“MY TEACHING PRACTICE INSIGHTS: Literary improvisations based on favourite motives of British and American authors with the use of digital educational tools”

The aims of the contest are:
1) to encourage students to explore their creativity, to think outside the box and come up with unique and original ideas to express themselves through writing, to showcase their work and pursue their passion for creative writing;
2) to encourage students to experiment with different genres, styles, and forms of writing what can lead to new and innovative approaches to writing that may not have been explored otherwise;
3) as the contest is organized around a particular theme – school practice experience with all gains and failures, it is aimed to use creative writing as a way to promote a particular message to co-students;
4) to recognize and reward writers who have demonstrated excellence in their craft.
5) by participating in the contest, students will connect with others who share their passion for creative writing and gain valuable feedback and support for their work.

There are three key priorities:
1) story telling and critical thinking ability – the story should be engaging and reflective;
2) incorporating digital educational tools;
3) drawing on your own experiences of teaching practice by:
• showcasing what a modern English language teaching and teacher might look like and/or how we might get there;
• smuggling the idea of using innovative technologies of foreign language teaching and digital educational tools into a story aimed at mainstream readers – this can be quite subtle;
• using positive role models.
It is NOT enough to just raise awareness of teaching practice pains and gains, you need to show how we might solve the problems and use the positive practices.

To participate in the contest you are to be a pre-service English teacher doing a bachelor’s or master’s degree programme who has already completed the teacher assistantship or observed teaching practice and thus has some school experience.
To successfully perform in the Creative Writing Contest:
1) choose a story of a British or American writer which resonates with your present state of mind and life view;
2) describe your school practice experience experimenting with the chosen author’s style of writing (500 words piece of writing);
3) present or animate your unique story using digital educational tools;
4) feel free to add music, video, your own illustrations, etc.;
5) once finished, submit your story to gerfil@sspu.edu.ua with the subject “Creative Writing Contest”.
Deadline: 15th of May 2023.

The Art of Teaching and Writing
This contest marries love of teaching to love of literature with a piece of creative writing as a work of art being brought to life.
“Teaching, like any truly human activity, emerges from one’s inwardness, for better or worse. As I teach, I project the condition of my soul onto my students, my subject, and our way of being together” (Parker Palmer, Courage to Teach). The art of teaching, then, is this: the marriage of a teacher’s ability to lovingly orchestrate the subtle strings of classroom dynamics and student expectations into learning with the truth that each class session is a unique, unrepeatable incarnation of shared presence. Sometimes called the teacher’s “signature” upon the teaching act (Eisner 1983), a teacher’s way of knowing the threads and agencies of a class represents a kind of creative freedom in teaching best described through language of art alongside terms of science. Where the “science” of teaching describes how teaching should go, “art” suggests the unique way teaching unfolds as a teacher pursues these and other practices. In this way, every successful teacher is an artist (retrieved from: https://poorvucenter.yale.edu/ArtofTeaching).
The literary world is a vast and wondrous place, brimming with stories that transport readers to different times, places, and perspectives. The written word has the power to stir emotions, challenge beliefs, and inspire change, and there are few things more exhilarating than discovering a story that truly speaks to your soul.
Creative writing is not only about writing stories or poems but also about exploring and experimenting with language, voice, and style to create a unique and memorable piece of writing. It requires the writer to be inventive, innovative, and daring, pushing the boundaries of conventional writing to create something fresh and original.

“Мої враження від шкільної практики: літературні імпровізації за улюбленими мотивами британських та американських авторів із використанням цифрових освітніх інструментів”

Цілі заходу:
1) заохотити студентів зануритися у творчість словесного мистецтва, думати нестандартно та приходити до унікальних ідей для вираження своєї індивідуальності засобами англійської мови;
2) заохотити студентів експериментувати з різними жанрами, стилями та формами письма, що уможливить використання інноваційних підходів до письмової творчості;
3) оскільки конкурс тематично зумовлений, зокрема – присвячений досвіду шкільної практики з усіма її перевагами та невдачами, його мета полягає у використанні творчого письма як способу просування певного меседжа серед колег-студентів;
4) забезпечити студентів можливістю спілкуватися з однодумцями, які поділяють їхню пристрасть до творчого письма, та отримати цінні відгуки для мотивації своєї подальшої творчої діяльності.

Для успішної участі у конкурсі необхідно:
1) обрати історію британського або американського письменника, яка відповідає вашому сьогоднішньому світобаченню;
2) описати свій досвід шкільної практики, експериментуючи зі стилем письма обраного автора (твір 500 слів);
3) презентувати або анімувати вашу унікальну історію, використовуючи цифрові освітні технології.


Alecu Russo State University of Bălți (Moldova)
Sumy Makarenko State Pedagogical University (Ukraine)
(Department of English Philology and Linguodidactics)
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University (Ukraine)
(Faculty of Foreign Languages)
Kotsiubynskyi Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University (Ukraine)
(Faculty of Foreign Languages)

“MY TEACHING PRACTICE INSIGHTS: Literary improvisations based on favourite motives of British and American authors with the use of digital educational tools”

The aims of the contest are:
1) to encourage students to explore their creativity, to think outside the box and come up with unique and original ideas to express themselves through writing, to showcase their work and pursue their passion for creative writing;
2) to encourage students to experiment with different genres, styles, and forms of writing what can lead to new and innovative approaches to writing that may not have been explored otherwise;
3) as the contest is organized around a particular theme – school practice experience with all gains and failures, it is aimed to use creative writing as a way to promote a particular message to co-students;
4) to recognize and reward writers who have demonstrated excellence in their craft.
5) by participating in the contest, students will connect with others who share their passion for creative writing and gain valuable feedback and support for their work.

There are three key priorities:
1) story telling and critical thinking ability – the story should be engaging and reflective;
2) incorporating digital educational tools;
3) drawing on your own experiences of teaching practice by:
• showcasing what a modern English language teaching and teacher might look like and/or how we might get there;
• smuggling the idea of using innovative technologies of foreign language teaching and digital educational tools into a story aimed at mainstream readers – this can be quite subtle;
• using positive role models.
It is NOT enough to just raise awareness of teaching practice pains and gains, you need to show how we might solve the problems and use the positive practices.

To participate in the contest you are to be a pre-service English teacher doing a bachelor’s or master’s degree programme who has already completed the teacher assistantship or observed teaching practice and thus has some school experience.
To successfully perform in the Creative Writing Contest:
1) choose a story of a British or American writer which resonates with your present state of mind and life view;
2) describe your school practice experience experimenting with the chosen author’s style of writing (500 words piece of writing);
3) present or animate your unique story using digital educational tools;
4) feel free to add music, video, your own illustrations, etc.;
5) once finished, submit your story to gerfil@sspu.edu.ua with the subject “Creative Writing Contest”.
Deadline: 15th of May 2023.

The Art of Teaching and Writing
This contest marries love of teaching to love of literature with a piece of creative writing as a work of art being brought to life.
“Teaching, like any truly human activity, emerges from one’s inwardness, for better or worse. As I teach, I project the condition of my soul onto my students, my subject, and our way of being together” (Parker Palmer, Courage to Teach). The art of teaching, then, is this: the marriage of a teacher’s ability to lovingly orchestrate the subtle strings of classroom dynamics and student expectations into learning with the truth that each class session is a unique, unrepeatable incarnation of shared presence. Sometimes called the teacher’s “signature” upon the teaching act (Eisner 1983), a teacher’s way of knowing the threads and agencies of a class represents a kind of creative freedom in teaching best described through language of art alongside terms of science. Where the “science” of teaching describes how teaching should go, “art” suggests the unique way teaching unfolds as a teacher pursues these and other practices. In this way, every successful teacher is an artist (retrieved from: https://poorvucenter.yale.edu/ArtofTeaching).
The literary world is a vast and wondrous place, brimming with stories that transport readers to different times, places, and perspectives. The written word has the power to stir emotions, challenge beliefs, and inspire change, and there are few things more exhilarating than discovering a story that truly speaks to your soul.
Creative writing is not only about writing stories or poems but also about exploring and experimenting with language, voice, and style to create a unique and memorable piece of writing. It requires the writer to be inventive, innovative, and daring, pushing the boundaries of conventional writing to create something fresh and original.

“Мої враження від шкільної практики: літературні імпровізації за улюбленими мотивами британських та американських авторів із використанням цифрових освітніх інструментів”

Цілі заходу:
1) заохотити студентів зануритися у творчість словесного мистецтва, думати нестандартно та приходити до унікальних ідей для вираження своєї індивідуальності засобами англійської мови;
2) заохотити студентів експериментувати з різними жанрами, стилями та формами письма, що уможливить використання інноваційних підходів до письмової творчості;
3) оскільки конкурс тематично зумовлений, зокрема – присвячений досвіду шкільної практики з усіма її перевагами та невдачами, його мета полягає у використанні творчого письма як способу просування певного меседжа серед колег-студентів;
4) забезпечити студентів можливістю спілкуватися з однодумцями, які поділяють їхню пристрасть до творчого письма, та отримати цінні відгуки для мотивації своєї подальшої творчої діяльності.

Для успішної участі у конкурсі необхідно:
1) обрати історію британського або американського письменника, яка відповідає вашому сьогоднішньому світобаченню;
2) описати свій досвід шкільної практики, експериментуючи зі стилем письма обраного автора (твір 500 слів);
3) презентувати або анімувати вашу унікальну історію, використовуючи цифрові освітні технології.