On September 17-19, 2018, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University hosted a meeting of the consortium working groups and project monitoring with the participation of representatives of the National Erasmus + office Svitlana Shitikova and Zhanna Talanova and European Commissioner for the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Belen Ensicco.
During the working meeting, interim results of the project were presented by the participants of working groups of domestic partner universities and received approval from representatives of the National Erasmus + office and the European Commissioner for the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture.
The MoPED project aims to train teachers of Ukraine’s higher education institutions within the framework of the new Ukrainian school concept and retraining of Ukrainian teachers who are already working in schools.
Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics, Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Methods of Teaching Mathematics Tetiana Makhometa, Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Methodology of Teaching Mathematics Tetiana Godovanyuk and Associate Professor of the Department of English Language and Methods of its Learning Natalia Shulga participated in the report of working group of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and introduced their educational institution among other Ukraine’s higher education institutions.
We wish the participants of MoPED project success in its implementation at our university.