List of master’s degree programs
Training field 8.02030302 Language and Literature (English)
• Qualification granted Master of the field “Language and Literature (English)” • Qualification level Master (the second cycle of higher education).
• Special admittance requirements Admittance is conducted on the General Admittance Conditions, developed by the Admittance Committee of Uman Pavlo Tychyna State Pedagogical University, in accordance with the Conditions of Admittance to higher educational institutions of Ukraine, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №873 og September 18, 2009 and registered at the Ministry of Law of Ukraine on October 6, 2009, № 930/16946. The detailed information on the procedure of admittance for study at Uman State Pedagogical University is placed on web-site of the University at:
• Special regulations on recognition of the previous education stages (formal, informal, non-official) None. Programme profile The main objective of training of a Master of Linguistics , a teacher of the English and German (French) Languages is to train an educator who is enabled to provide well-rounded development of socially active, humanistic oriented students’ personality; to equip students with a system of linguistic knowledge, skills and abilities, necessary for their future working career, sufficient for mastering other subjects, for the continuation of education; to form the concepts of the ideas and methods and role of linguistics for the cognition of the surrounding reality. The system of of training masters, teachers of the English Language and Literature is aimed at their formation as professionals of high-competency and it forms their performance of informational, developing, orientating, activating and research functions. The General amount of the Curriculum is 90 ECTS
• Key results of training The system of training masters, teachers of the English and German/French Languages is aimed at the formation of a competent specialist, providing his readiness to perform informational, developing, orientating, activating and research functions. The realization of informational function is based on deep and free mastery of the learning material, method, tecniques and forms of training, the art of oral communication, the knowledge of modern informational systems and means of control and organization of feedback and the correction of knowledge of student’s of higher educational institutions of II-III levels of accreditation. The developing function presupposes the guidance of perceptive, intellectual, emotional, voalitional and other components of stufents’ cognition activity. The orientating function specifies the content of value orientation of students, their active attitudes to phenomena and processes of reality, behaviour motives, zest and ability for studies, and regularly enlarge and enrich the scope of the knowledge in their professional field. The activating function is revealed in the Masteer’s activity, aimed at the activation of knowledge and life experience for the formation of cognitive independence and social activity. The research function provides the creative and research nature to the master’s work.
General abilities and skills: – Ability to consider and use the main rules of the social development and skills of socio-cultural competence; – Ability to take into consideration the processes of socio-political history of Ukraine, legal foundation and ethical standards in productive, social and political activity; – Ability for self-study and the continuation of professional development; – Communication skills including oral and written communication in Ukrainian, English and German or French; – Skills of interaction with people, skills for working with children and the youth; – Ability for self-organization and effective time arrangement.
• Professional profiles of graduates with examples A Master according to his or her fundamental and special training can perform the following kinds of professional activities: – training; – methodological; – educational; – research. A Master is involved into the following kinds of scientific research: – the didactic fundamentals of the formation of foreign language competence of students; – the organization of training; – the development of the programmes of new learning technologies and their experimental check; – the multilevel training of teachers.
• Access to further education. The awardance of the academic degree of the Doctor of Philosophy, the Doctor of Science in accordance with the adequate training programmes. • Regulations on examinations, assessment and marks/grades. Regulations on current, module and final assessment of students’ knowledge under the condition of credit-module system of training organization.
• Graduation requirements The completed training programme of 90 ECTS, successful defence of Master’s paper.
• Form of training Day (full-time)
• The Director of the Programme or the assigned official Nadia Mykhailivna Brit, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent), the Dean of the Foreign Languages Department.
List of modules of the field 8.02030302 Language Literature (English)
Код модуля |
Назва модуля |
УЛУМН_8_ОНД.01_3 | Academic rhetoric |
УММН_8_ДВС1.06_3 | Actual problems of modern linguistics |
АММВ_8_ДВС1. 05_4 | The Theory and Practice of Translation |
ТПІМ_8_ДВФ.06_5 | Business English |
ІІКТ_8_ДВФ.03_3 | Information Technologies in Education and Science |
СД_8_ДВС1.02_4 | Corporative Social Responsibility |
ТПІМ_8_ДВФ. 04_5 | Methods of Linguistic Research |
АММВ_8_ДВФ. 05_4 | Methodology of English at the Higher School |
ТТД_8_ДВФ.01_3 | Fundamentals of Intellectual Property |
ПОМ_8_ОНД. 05_4 | Pedagogy of the Higher School |
АММВ_8_ОНД.02_9 | Practical Course in English |
ТПІМ_8_ОНД.06_9 | Practical Course in German |
ТПІМ_8_ОНД. 06_9 | Practical Course in French |
П_8_ОНД.07_3 | Psychology of Higher School |
ПОМ_8_ДВС.1.03_4 | Theory and practice of scientific-pedagogical investigations |
ТМІМ_8_ ДВФ.02_3 | Ukrainian |
СД_8_ОНД. 04_3 | Philosophy and Methodology of Science |
ТТД, ОП та БЖД _8_ОНД.03 | Civil Defense |